
Undergraduate Courses

Introduction to Greek Archaeology (43157)

Introduction to Roman Archaeology (43156)

Introduction to Byzantine Archaeology (43107)

Introduction to Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Archaeology of the Land of Israel (43511)

Classical Art and Architecture: The Hellenistic Period (43426)

Classical Art and Architecture: The Roman Period (43427)

Topics of Classical Byzantine Archaeology: Urbanization in Roman Palestine (43526)

Topics of Classical Byzantine Archaeology: Cult Buildings in Ancient Palestine (43526)

The Roman House and Its Decorations (43409)

Graduate Courses

Jews and Christians in Ancient Palestine: The Archaeological Evidence (43956)

In the Path of the Galilee: Architecture, Art, and Society (43776)

The Ancient Synagogue: New Finds, New Paradigms (43760)

Mosaic Art in Ancient Palestine (43814)

Jews and Christians in Byzantine Palestine: A Literary and Archaeological Approach (with Prof. David Satran) (8801)

Between Text and Artifact: Everyday Life in Late Antique Palestine (with Prof. Joshua Levinson) (8804)